Python Syllabus

Abhilash Jose
Abhilash Jose  - Data Scientist | Data Analyst
7 Min Read

Beginner Level

1. Introduction to Excel

  • Overview of Excel
    • Understanding the Excel interface
    • Introduction to workbooks, worksheets, and cells

2. Basic Excel Functions

  • Data Entry and Formatting
    • Entering data and basic formatting options (font, color, alignment)
  • Basic Functions
    • Using basic formulas (SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MIN, MAX)
    • Understanding cell references (relative, absolute, mixed)

3. Data Organization

  • Sorting and Filtering Data
    • Sorting data in ascending and descending order
    • Using filters to display specific data
  • Conditional Formatting
    • Highlighting cells based on criteria

4. Introduction to Charts

  • Creating Basic Charts
    • Bar charts, line charts, and pie charts
    • Customizing chart elements (titles, legends, colors)

5. Data Validation

  • Data Entry Control
    • Setting up data validation rules to restrict data entry
    • Creating drop-down lists for data entry

Intermediate Level

1. Advanced Functions

  • Logical Functions
    • Using IF, AND, OR, NOT functions
  • Lookup Functions

2. Working with Multiple Sheets

  • Managing Multiple Worksheets
    • Linking data between worksheets
    • Consolidating data from multiple sheets

3. Pivot Tables

  • Creating Pivot Tables
    • Understanding how to create and manipulate pivot tables
    • Using pivot charts for data visualization
  • Grouping and Filtering in Pivot Tables
    • Grouping data by categories or time frames

4. Data Analysis Tools

  • Introduction to What-If Analysis
    • Using Goal Seek and Scenario Manager
  • Basic Statistical Functions
    • Understanding basic statistics functions (STDEV, MEDIAN, QUARTILE)

5. Introduction to Macros

  • Recording and Running Macros
    • Basics of creating and using macros for automation

Advanced Level

1. Advanced Data Analysis

  • Complex Formulas
    • Using array formulas and advanced functions
  • Statistical Analysis
    • Conducting regression analysis and correlation analysis
    • Understanding and using the Analysis ToolPak

2. Advanced Pivot Tables

  • Calculated Fields and Items
    • Creating calculated fields within pivot tables
    • Analyzing data with slicers and timelines

3. Dashboard Creation

  • Building Interactive Dashboards
    • Combining multiple data visualizations into a dashboard
    • Using form controls for interactivity

4. Power Query and Power Pivot

  • Data Transformation with Power Query
    • Importing and cleaning data from different sources
  • Data Modeling with Power Pivot
    • Creating relationships between tables and using DAX (Data Analysis Expressions)

5. VBA Programming

  • Introduction to VBA
    • Understanding the basics of VBA for Excel
    • Writing simple VBA scripts to automate tasks

6. Data Visualization Techniques

  • Advanced Charting Techniques
    • Creating complex charts (waterfall, Gantt, sparklines)
    • Best practices for data visualization in Excel

Practical Applications and Projects

  • Real-World Projects
    • Analyzing a dataset to derive insights (e.g., sales data analysis)
    • Building a dashboard for a business case study


  • Review and Next Steps
    • Resources for continued learning (online courses, tutorials)
    • Building a portfolio of Excel projects for data science applications

This structured syllabus aims to take learners from basic Excel skills to advanced data analysis and visualization, preparing them for data-driven roles in various fields, including data science.

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Here’s a comprehensive syllabus for Python, divided into beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels, specifically tailored for data science applications.

Python Syllabus for Data Science

Beginner Level

1. Introduction to Python

  • Overview of Python
    • What is Python? Applications in data science
    • Installing Python and setting up the environment (Anaconda, Jupyter Notebook)

2. Basic Syntax and Data Types

  • Basic Syntax
    • Variables and data types (int, float, string, bool)
    • Basic operations (arithmetic, comparison, logical)
  • Data Structures
    • Lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries
    • Basic operations on data structures (adding, removing, indexing)

3. Control Flow

  • Conditional Statements
    • Using if, elif, and else
  • Loops
    • for loops and while loops
    • Loop control statements (break, continue, pass)

4. Functions

  • Defining and Using Functions
    • Function syntax and parameters
    • Return values and scope
  • Built-in Functions
    • Understanding built-in functions and using them effectively

5. Working with Libraries

  • Introduction to Libraries
    • Importing libraries and modules (e.g., math, random)
    • Overview of the Python Package Index (PyPI)

Intermediate Level

1. Data Manipulation with Pandas

  • Introduction to Pandas
    • Understanding DataFrames and Series
    • Importing and exporting data (CSV, Excel)
  • Data Cleaning and Preparation
    • Handling missing values, duplicates, and data types
    • Data filtering, indexing, and selecting subsets

2. Data Visualization

  • Matplotlib and Seaborn
    • Basic plotting with Matplotlib
    • Creating advanced visualizations with Seaborn (bar plots, histograms, box plots, heatmaps)

3. Working with NumPy

  • Introduction to NumPy
    • Understanding arrays and their advantages over lists
    • Basic operations (arithmetic operations, slicing, reshaping)

4. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

  • Performing EDA
    • Understanding descriptive statistics (mean, median, mode, variance)
    • Using Pandas and visualization libraries for EDA

5. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • OOP Concepts
    • Classes, objects, attributes, and methods
    • Inheritance and polymorphism

Advanced Level

1. Advanced Data Manipulation

  • Advanced Pandas Techniques
    • Grouping and aggregating data (groupby)
    • Merging and joining DataFrames
    • Pivot tables and cross-tabulations

2. Time Series Analysis

  • Working with Time Series Data
    • Date and time data types in Pandas
    • Resampling and frequency conversion
    • Time series visualization

3. Statistical Analysis

  • Using SciPy for Statistics
    • Understanding statistical tests (t-tests, chi-square tests)
    • Performing regression analysis

4. Machine Learning with scikit-learn

  • Introduction to Machine Learning
    • Understanding supervised vs. unsupervised learning
  • Basic ML Algorithms
    • Implementing linear regression, logistic regression, decision trees, and clustering algorithms (K-means)

5. Model Evaluation and Validation

  • Evaluating Model Performance
    • Understanding metrics (accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score)
    • Cross-validation techniques

6. Deployment and Automation

  • Introduction to Model Deployment
    • Basics of deploying models (using Flask or FastAPI)
    • Automation of data pipelines with Python scripts and cron jobs

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By Abhilash Jose Data Scientist | Data Analyst
Abhilash Jose is a data scientist and data analyst from Kerala, India. He specializes in data analysis and is well-known for his expertise in areas such as machine learning and statistical modeling. Abhilash is recognized as a top freelance data scientist in India, with a focus on extracting meaningful insights from data to drive informed decision-making. His skills encompass a wide range of techniques, including data mining, predictive modeling, and data visualization.
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