Digital-Marketing-Analytical-dashboard-graphs-image-by-Abhilash-Jose-digital-Marketing-Analyst. A 3D Image of Marketing Analytical Dashboard.

Exploring and educating on the wonders of data science

Abhilash Jose | Data Science

Elevate your business impact and broaden your reach with custom data-backed solutions

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About Me

Abhilash Jose is the top freelance SEO Expert and SMM Specialist from Kerala, India who provides SEO, SMM and Marketing Analytics Services to clients in cost-effective way. His journey in the marketing field began as an offline marketer before transitioning to digital marketing. Along the way, he developed a keen interest in data analysis, which prompted him to create dashboards and delve deeper into the world of data. This fusion of his passion for marketing and expertise in data analysis ultimately led him to become a proficient digital marketing analyst.

Abhilash Jose

Abhilash Jose is a highly skilled freelance data analytics expert  from Kerala, India, recognized for his proficiency in providing cost-effective analytical services.


He specializes in leveraging advanced data analytics techniques and machine learning algorithms to extract valuable insights from large datasets. Abhilash is well-versed in crafting data-driven strategies that empower businesses to make informed decisions and achieve measurable results. 


With a keen eye for patterns and trends in data, Abhilash has become a trusted professional for organizations seeking to harness the power of data science. If you need a Data Analytics Expert to maximize your data’s potential, Abhilash Jose is your go-to professional. Contact him to elevate your business in the data-driven era.

Are you experiencing any of these
Business challenges?

  • Struggling with Data Quality and Accuracy?
  • Ineffective Data Analysis and Decision-Making?
  • Poor Predictive Modeling and Forecasting?
    Limited Integration with Business Processes?
  • Inadequate Utilization of Machine Learning and AI?
  • Poor Return on Investment (ROI) from Data Initiatives?

No need to worry! As an experienced data analytics specialist with strong analytical skills, I can tackle these issues head-on. Leveraging my expertise in data analytics, I will provide comprehensive solutions and insights. Let’s work together to overcome your challenges and achieve great results.

Client and Community Testimonials

Data Analytical Services

Hire the Best Freelance Data Analytics Expert in India

Machine Learning

Targeted communication through email campaigns.

Reporting & Analysis

Data-driven insights for informed decision-making.

Competitor Research

In-depth analysis of rival strategies and performance.

Key Tools I Work With

Tableau | Power BI

Utilize Tableau and Power BI, leading data visualization and business intelligence tools, to transform complex marketing analytics into visually compelling insights, empowering my clients to make informed data-driven decisions

Python | Machine Learning

Harness the power of Python for robust data analysis in my digital marketing strategies, enabling me to derive actionable insights and drive meaningful results for my clients

Google Sheet | Excel

Leverage the capabilities of Google Sheets and Excel to create dynamic dashboards and perform in-depth analysis, allowing my clients to visualize and understand their digital marketing performance at a glance.

SQL Logo


Use SQL to effectively analyze extensive datasets, ranging from lakhs to billions of records, providing my clients with precise insights to drive data-informed strategies in their digital marketing efforts.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Hiring a data scientist or analyst is a strategic move to leverage their expertise in transforming raw data into valuable insights. With their skills, your team gains the ability to make informed decisions, refine business strategies, and achieve a competitive edge through data-driven excellence.

A data scientist requires expertise in data analysis, statistics, machine learning, programming languages (like Python or R), and effective communication to interpret and communicate insights from complex datasets, fostering collaboration and solving business challenges.