From Digital Marketers to Data-Driven Experts: The Rise of Digital Marketing Analysts in the Business World

Abhilash Jose
Abhilash Jose  - Data Scientist | Data Analyst
17 Min Read

Digital marketing has evolved significantly over the years, with a greater emphasis on using data and analytics to guide marketing strategies. While SEO experts used to be the go-to specialists, the role of the Digital marketer has become more data-driven and specialized, hence its important to have a digital marketing analyst on your team.

Marketing is not the art of finding clever ways to dispose of what you make. It is the art of creating genuine customer value

Philip Kotler

As Philip Kotler stated, digital marketers hold the responsibility of creating authentic customer value, which can only be achieved by comprehending the customer. To attain this goal, digital marketers need to transform into specialized digital marketing analysts who leverage data and analytics tools to gain profound insights into consumer behavior and preferences.

What does a digital marketing analyst do?

A digital marketing analyst is a professional who combines their expertise in digital marketing and data analytics to improve marketing strategies. They collect and analyze data from various digital marketing channels and use it to study consumer behavior and create effective marketing plans. They utilize a variety of analytical tools like Google Analytics, Google Ads, SQL, Tableau, and Python to identify patterns, and provide recommendations for improvement.

What is the difference between digital marketing specialist and digital marketing analyst?

A digital marketing specialist’s role is primarily focused on executing digital marketing campaigns across various channels, while a digital marketing analyst’s job is centered around analyzing data from these channels to make data-driven decisions and recommendations for improving marketing performance. While a digital marketing analyst can perform the tasks of a digital marketing specialist, the opposite may not always be the case as a digital marketing analyst requires more advanced skills in data analysis. Therefore, the roles are not interchangeable, and a digital marketing analyst is considered a more specialized and advanced position.

One of the key advantages of having a digital marketing analyst on your team is that they can provide valuable insights into consumer behavior, which can be used to guide marketing strategies. They can identify trends and patterns in consumer behaviors, which can be used to guide future marketing campaigns. They are well-positioned to guide marketing strategies, analyze the data to measure their impact, and drive business success.

Transitioning from a digital marketer to a digital marketing analyst

If you’re a digital marketer looking to advance your career, becoming a digital marketing analyst might be the perfect move for you. As a digital marketing analyst, you’ll analyze and interpret data to help businesses make informed decisions about their marketing strategies. It’s a highly sought-after skill in the digital marketing industry, and with the right combination of technical and behavioral skills, you can become a successful digital marketing analyst.

To make the transition from a digital marketer to a digital marketing analyst, there are several skills you need to acquire, that include both technical and behavioral skills.

To gain technical skills, you can start learning few analytical tools such as Google Analytics, Tableau, Excel, and other data visualization tools. These skills enable you to interpret data and extract insights that help businesses make informed decisions. You also need to understand web analytics tools, particularly Google Analytics, which provides valuable insights into website traffic, behavior, and user engagement. A/B testing (A method of testing different versions of a marketing campaign to see which performs better.) is another vital skill you need to have to optimize marketing campaigns continually.

In addition to technical skills, behavioral skills are equally crucial for a digital marketing analyst. Attention to detail, communication, critical thinking, and continuous learning are the key behavioral skills needed to become a successful digital marketing analyst. You need to be detail-oriented, communicate complex data insights to non-technical stakeholders, analyze data objectively, and stay updated with the latest digital marketing trends.

So  transitioning from a digital marketer to a digital marketing analyst requires a combination of technical and behavioral skills. If you’re passionate about working with data and providing valuable insights to businesses, this career path is a great option for you.

The 4 Steps for Digital Marketers to become a Digital Marketing Analyst

From learning the fundamentals of digital marketing to building a strong portfolio, each step will help you develop the skills and expertise you need to succeed in this exciting and dynamic field. So, let’s dive in and explore how you can start your journey towards becoming a digital marketing analyst!

  1. Master Web Analytics: A good place to start is with Google Analytics. Sign up for a free account and start exploring the platform. Learn how to set up goals, track website traffic, and analyse user behaviour. Familiarize yourself with other web analytics tools, such as Adobe Analytics and Piwik.
  2. Acquire Data Analysis Skills:  A digital marketing analyst needs to be able to analyze data to identify trends and patterns. Start by learning how to use Excel for data analysis. Learn how to create charts, pivot tables, and use formulas. As you become more comfortable with Excel, start exploring other data analysis tools like Tableau and Power BI.
  3. Practice And Experiment: Once you’ve learned the basics, start practicing and experimenting. Create your own marketing campaigns, analyze the data, and use the insights to improve your strategies. Attend webinars, workshops, and other events to stay updated on the latest trends and best practices.
  4. Build A Strong Portfolio: As you gain experience, start building a portfolio of your work. This could include case studies, reports, and presentations. Your portfolio will showcase your skills and help you stand out to potential employers or clients. Make sure you upload it in your website or your social media sites to showcase them.

What is the path to becoming a digital marketing analyst for beginners?

Now, if you’re a beginner and you want to become a digital marketing analyst, no problem. I’ll provide you with all the necessary information you need.

Before we jump into it, I just wanted to reassure you that it’s totally okay if you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of tools and languages out there. You don’t have to be an expert in everything right off the bat. The key is to start small by focusing on a few of the most important tools and languages that are relevant to your current role. Then, as you gain more experience, you can gradually expand your knowledge and take on even more complex digital marketing challenges. Trust me, it’s all about learning as you go and having fun with it!

Technical skills required for a marketing analyst

Digital Marketing Tools for Beginners

  1. Google Analytics: A free web analytics tool that provides insights into website traffic and user behavior.
  2. Mailchimp and HubSpot: Email marketing platforms that allow users to create and send email campaigns, manage leads, and track performance metrics.
  3. Hootsuite/Buffer: Social media management tools that enable users to schedule, publish, and analyze posts across various social media platforms.
  4. Canva: A graphic design platform that provides templates and tools for creating professional-looking images and graphics.
  5. SEMrush, Rank Math/Yoast: Search engine optimization (SEO) tools that provide insights into website traffic, keyword research, competitor analysis, and recommendations for optimizing website content and improving search engine visibility.
  6. Google Ads: A pay-per-click advertising platform that enables users to create and manage ads on Google search results pages and partner websites.

Your Roadmap to Getting Started with Digital Marketing Tools

So, instead of just listing these tools, I am also suggesting a suitable road map to learn these.

First, you can start by using Google Analytics to understand website traffic and user behavior. Next, try Mailchimp or HubSpot for email marketing, and Hootsuite or Buffer for social media management. Create eye-catching graphics with Canva, and optimize your website with SEMrush, Rank Math, and Yoast for better search engine visibility. Finally, boost your online presence with pay-per-click advertising using Google Ads. As you learn and grow, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a digital marketing pro!

Web Programming Languages for Beginners

  1. HTML: a markup language for creating web pages.
  2. CSS: a stylesheet language for designing web pages.
  3. JavaScript: a programming language for creating dynamic web content.

Your Roadmap to Getting Started with Analytics Tools & Programming Languages

So, you may be wondering why should I learn web development languages along with all these tools. Trust me, knowing at least HTML is required, as you may have to make some SEO-related changes that require a bit of coding. If you are working in an MNC, you may get help of web development team, but if you are working as a freelancer then most of the time you won’t have one and its risky to do something on your clients website without knowing how to code.

Therefore I suggest starting with HTML since it is the foundation of web development. Once you have a good grasp of HTML, you can move on to CSS for styling and layout and then JavaScript for creating interactive content. Understanding these languages can be useful for improving website performance and visibility, especially for SEO purposes. While there are other programming languages, it’s not necessary to learn all of them as a digital marketing analyst. However, having a basic knowledge of these languages can help you communicate better with web designers and other departments involved in website development.

Analytics Tools and Programming Languages for Beginners

  1. Excel/Google Sheets: a spreadsheet software for data analysis, visualization, and reporting.
  2. SQL: a programming language for managing and analyzing large datasets.
  3. Tableau/Power BI: a data visualization tool for creating interactive dashboards and reports.
  4. R and Python: programming languages for statistical analysis, data modeling, and machine learning.

Your Roadmap to Getting Started with Analytics Tools & Programming Languages

For learning analytics, I recommend starting with Excel or Google Sheets for data analysis. Once you’re comfortable with spreadsheets, you can learn SQL for managing large datasets. After that, you have a few options: you can learn Tableau for creating interactive dashboards and reports, or you can dive into a programming language like R or Python for statistical analysis and machine learning.

If you go with Tableau, it’s a good idea to stick with it and become really proficient before trying out other data visualization tools. On the other hand, if you prefer coding, you can choose either R or Python depending on your interests and career goals. Ultimately, the best tool or language for you will depend on your preferences and the requirements of your digital marketing analytics projects.

Behavioral Skills Required for Digital Marketing Analyst

  1. Analytical Skills: To be a great digital marketing analyst, you need to be able to make sense of all the data generated by marketing campaigns. You should be able to look at numbers and charts and derive insights that can help businesses grow.
  2. Communication Skills: As a digital marketing analyst, you’ll be working with many different teams and stakeholders. That’s why you need to be able to communicate your findings in a way that everyone can understand. You should be able to explain complex technical information to people who don’t have a technical background.
  3. Creativity and Innovation: The world of digital marketing is constantly changing, and to stay ahead of the game, you need to be creative and innovative. You should be able to come up with new and exciting solutions to marketing problems, and be willing to try new things.
  4. Time Management and Prioritization: Digital marketing is a fast-paced industry, and as an analyst, you’ll have many different projects to work on. That’s why it’s important to manage your time effectively and prioritize your tasks. You should be able to juggle multiple projects and meet tight deadlines.
  5. Adaptability and Learning Agility: To be a successful digital marketing analyst, you need to be adaptable and able to learn quickly. The industry is always evolving, and you need to be able to keep up with new technologies, trends, and marketing channels. You should be excited about learning new things and applying them to your work.

So by now you understood how to become a digital marketing analyst and the skills required, but as a analyst you should also know what is average salary for a digital marketing analyst in India.

According to data from job portals like AmbitionBox and Glassdoor, the average annual digital marketing analyst salary in India is around ₹3.5 Lakhs, with starting salaries ranging from ₹2.5 Lakhs to ₹8 Lakhs per year, depending on factors such as location, experience level, and skill set.

Final thoughts

So if you are looking to take your business to the next level in the digital world? Well, let me tell you, having a digital marketing analyst on your team can give you a major advantage!

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, it’s crucial for businesses to stay ahead of the game. With a digital marketing analyst on board, you’ll have access to invaluable insights into consumer behavior and cutting-edge marketing strategies.

Digital marketing analysts are a unique blend of digital marketer and data analyst, with a skill set that’s tailored to help your business thrive online. They can provide you with the technical know-how you need to succeed in the digital world while also analyzing consumer behavior to guide your marketing strategies.

So, why wait? If you want to succeed in today’s ever-changing digital world, it’s time to consider adding a experienced digital marketing analyst to your team. Trust me, your business will thank you for it!

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By Abhilash Jose Data Scientist | Data Analyst
Abhilash Jose is a data scientist and data analyst from Kerala, India. He specializes in data analysis and is well-known for his expertise in areas such as machine learning and statistical modeling. Abhilash is recognized as a top freelance data scientist in India, with a focus on extracting meaningful insights from data to drive informed decision-making. His skills encompass a wide range of techniques, including data mining, predictive modeling, and data visualization.
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