About Me

Abhilash Jose
Data Science Specialist

Hello there! I’m Abhilash Jose, a data science specialist hailing from Kerala, India. I’ve always been fascinated by the power of data to transform businesses and drive profitability. But before I dive into what I do professionally, let me share a bit about my journey and how I fell in love with the world of data science.

My Journey to Becoming a Data science Specialist

Although I graduated in Mechanical Engineering, my heart was always drawn to the management side of things. This curiosity led me to explore roles in management, and I eventually found myself as an offline marketing intern in a firm. Through hard work and dedication, I progressed to become an operations associate, where I managed teams across multiple districts.

My journey continued as I was promoted to assistant manager, where I delved into analyzing the performance of the entire marketing team for Kerala. I began building dynamic dashboards to track lead generation and performance, which further fueled my interest in data analytics. Realizing the importance of upskilling, I immersed myself in tools like Power BI and Tableau, expanding my capabilities.

But I encountered challenges that pushed me to level up even further. I realized that to truly unlock the potential of data, I needed to deepen my understanding of both business and technical concepts. This led me to pursue a Post Graduate Program in Data Science and Engineering from Great Lakes, where I delved into machine learning, advanced analytics, and more.

It was during this time that I discovered my passion for data analytics. Starting with basic reports on Google Sheets, I gradually delved deeper, creating dynamic dashboards to evaluate business performance. As I honed my skills, I found joy in helping my colleagues learn these tools, realizing that teaching was the best way to deepen my own understanding.

Through continuous learning and hands-on projects, I broadened my skill set and gained confidence in my abilities. And now, I’m passionate about sharing my knowledge with others. That’s why I’ve launched this website – to empower businesses and aspiring data specialists alike. Whether you’re looking for insights to drive your business forward or eager to collaborate and share ideas, I’m here to help. Feel free to reach out anytime!

Although I graduated in Mechanical Engineering, my heart was always drawn to the management side of things. This curiosity led me to explore roles in management, and I eventually found myself as an offline marketing intern in a firm. Through hard work and dedication, I progressed to become an operations associate, where I managed teams across multiple districts.

My Professional Jounery

  • Number 1

    2018 : Completed Engineering

    Completed Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering with first class from VTU University.

  • Number 2

    2019 : Marketing Intern

    Internship focused on offline aptitude-based DSSL campaigning. Onboarded schools and executed exams

  • Number 3

    2020 : Senior Operation Associate

    Conducted marketing-related operations and spearheaded campaigns in specific districts of Kerala. Led teams of Business Development Executives (BDEs) and interns for various campaigns.

  • Number 4

    2022 : Assistant Manager

    Served as CMKP (Consumer Market Knowledge Analyst), managing Kerala and parts of Karnataka. Analyzed reports of BDEs, AMs, and managers. Developed dashboards to evaluate and suggest insights for performance improvement. Reduced operational tasks.

  • 2023 : PGP Data Science and Engineering

    Pursued Post Graduate Program in Data Science and Engineering from Great Lakes Data Science Program in collaboration with Great Learning. Gained understanding of machine learning and databases like SQL.

  • Number 6

    2024 : Data Science Specialist

    Currently transitioning into the role of Data Science Specialist. Utilizing my expertise to both learn and educate others in the field of data science, with a mission to empower organizations in making data-driven decisions for sustainable growth